Who are you?

i am savan

No but like actually

I'm a Computer Science Major with a minor in Statistics and Mathematics! I graduate in May 2022 from NC State University. I love cooking, ping pong, and collecting books that I say I'll read but never will.

Do you have any experience?

I've done software enginnering internships with Fidelity Investments, The Vanguard Group, and Amazon. They've all been pretty cool.

Okay but what experience do you have outside traditional work?

You're a very curious person huh? I'm part of the board for the NC State Hackathon PackHacks, I'm also an Ambassador for the NC State Computer Science Department, and I TA our Intro to Java Course. I used to also teach the Android section of our App Development Club

What's your dream company?

Yours of course! It's truly has everything I'm looking for and I wouldn't look anywhere else if I got an offer

What interests you about Computer Science?

money So one day I'm in Mexico right, and let me tell you I've never had a better taco then at this one street cart they take it right off this rottiserie thing and its absolutely delicious you have no idea, anyways I'm at a library because I love libraries and I'm talking about how theres so many kids here to this librarian. She goes "oh they're here because there's no wifi anywhere else". What? No wifi? So I go on my phone and I google it, did you know only 48% of the world has wifi?? We're talking about the worlds largest library of information here and only half of us have it??? The internet is this beautiful magnificent way of communication and learning its ESSENTIAL to most of our lives, and we've walled off half the world? Thats so beyond absurd, and I guess the point of my story is this: All my life I've been obsessed with math and learning and I just never could find the right way to apply it, and I believe with my full heart that this major is the way I can use what I know to solve problems I may not even know exist yet, and that makes me kind of excited.

What are you up to now?

I'm finishing up my junior year (very scary would not recommend) and I'm getting more into Artificial Intelligence, I took an Intro to AI course and loved it so I'm taking a grad school course on it next semester and maybe hopefully get to do some research? I'm also getting kinda good at making pasta from scratch so if you're reading this and come by to my dorm I can make you a sick taco or some pasta for your troubles

Okay so like a lot has happened since then, it's the waining weeks of the fall senior semester and I got super into AI, that grad course 522 with Thomas price was the best I class I have ever taken. I'm taking two more grad classes in neural networks and Natural language processing and they're both interesting in their own ways. I also got a Job at Google Search and Im hoping I can do AI there too, I guess we'll see but things are going well? suspiciously well. Till we meet again reader.